There are so many different perspectives in psychology to explain the different types of behaviour and give different angles.
I believe, as we are not all the same, that we need a broad knowledge of all aspects of psychology to find effective solutions when problems arise, so that we return to a healthy body and a healthy mind. It is for this reason that I have created my own “umbrella” of different approaches (i.e. multi-modal therapy; important to match the right treatment to the specific problem). The reason is simple – finding effective outcomes for the client, thus saving you time and money.
It is the complexity and richness of the human mind and behaviour that has brought about so many studies and approaches to psychology. My ‘Eclectic Perspective’ – using whatever approach I deem most appropriate (one or more or even all from the list below), is what I have at heart for all of my clients.
Counselling – a professional counsellor who is properly trained to help the client(s) make his/her own decision during the process of counselling. The counsellor is not supposed to make decisions for the client.
Behaviourist Perspective (Behaviourism) believes in scientific methodology that only observable behaviour should be studied because this can be objectively measured. A scientific approach, such as cognitive psychology behaviourism or cognitive psychology, tends to ignore the subjective (i.e. personal) experiences that people have.
The humanistic perspective is a psychological view that emphasizes the study of the whole person (known as holism). Humanistic psychologists look at human behaviour not only through the eyes of the observer, but through the eyes of the behaving person.
The psychodynamic approach includes all the theories in psychology that see human functioning based upon the interaction of drives and forces within the person, particularly unconscious, and between the different structures of the personality. As such it tends to lose sight of the role of socialization (which is different in each country) and the release of repressed emotions and experiences, i.e. make the unconscious > conscious.
The biological perspective reduces humans to a set of mechanisms and physical structures that are clearly essential and important (e.g. genes).
Cognitive Psychology revolves around the notion that if we want to know what makes people tick then the way to do it is to figure out what processes are actually going on in the mind. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – combines Cognitive and Behavioural techniques. Clients are taught ways to change thoughts and expectations and relaxation techniques are used.
Occupational psychology (OP) applies psychological knowledge, theory and practice to the world of work. The aim is to help an organisation to get the best performance from their employees and also to improve employees’ job satisfaction. OP applies expert knowledge to all levels of working and may work on organisational issues, such as culture and change, as well as issues at an individual or team level.
With such a blanket of techniques the client will be presented with a sophisticated matching of a specific treatment to their personal problems. This will be applied without regard to “school” or origin, ensuring only that the choice of treatment(s) is the right one for the client’s problem(s).