GPs are Pimps.

…How they neglect our health with a smile.

I am not the one saying that GPs are pimps, the quote comes from a medical doctor, Dr. D. Allen. In his book “A Cure is not Welcome”, Dr. Allen talks about the true reality of the medical system (allopathic medicine). Most of us have faith in the medical system and blindly believe everything doctors tell us to do. We should all educate ourselves and his book should be a required reading for everyone. [Btw – I’ve found it on line too and free of charge].

Allen calls physicians Pimps/Pushers because they only know and have faith in drugs. Raymond Francis indicts: “medical and pharmaceutical establishments for their ethical sins of neglecting to promote health and, even worse, actively engaging in the destruction of the same… consciously ignoring proven therapeutic advances in order to promote their self-serving agenda of self-preservation and greed”. – “Foods and other non pharmaceuticals cannot be patented” [Allen, page 92].

Blindly believing is Not Welcome – and this is why:  – a client of mine (we’ll call him Andrew), 66 years old, has had blood tests carried out in October 2016 (see below). Cholesterol was slightly elevated but what really caught my attention were his liver function levels.

As it happens, Andrew’s GP disregarded completely his abnormal, very elevated liver function values (Bilirubin) and only concerned himself with the cholesterol levels, hence prescribing Statins to Andrew (that Andrew decided not to take).

[I wonder how many patients fail to take drugs prescribed to them]?

Andrew came to me at the beginning of February with the above blood test results; he was also concerned about his PSA. I suggested other tests and, in the meantime, I placed Andrew on a diet adding a couple of ‘herbal’ supplements with the view to lower his cholesterol and Bilirubin.

On Friday 3rd March, Andrew came back to see me with the results of a new blood test and an MRI report. The MRI showed positive prostatic hypertrophy and a carcinoma. The specialist (urologist), a couple of weeks before the MRI, prescribed a drug named Finasteride to Andrew. Finasteride side effects include:

• impotence,
• loss of interest in sex,
• trouble having an orgasm,
• abnormal ejaculation,
• swelling in your hands or feet,
• swelling or tenderness in your breasts,
• dizziness,
• weakness,
• feeling like you might pass out,
• headache,
• runny nose, or
• skin rash.

As soon as Andrew realised Finasteride’s side-effects, he stopped taking the drug immediately and opted for Saw Palmetto instead. “According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, or AAFP, Saw palmetto appears to be as effective as the conventional drug Finasteride, but better tolerated and less expensive”. [Source: Aug 10, 2015]. Why don’t the “pimps” offer Saw Palmetto instead? Because Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) is a natural extract of the fruit of the saw palmetto plant and Big Pharma do not make any money on it!

Andrew new set of blood tests (above) came back to his surgery on 03/03/2017, peculiarly two days earlier he received a text message from his GP (see below).

The message was sent despite the fact that ‘Serum LDL is now in range” and values have decreased.

Without Statins or any other drug, the cholesterol levels have already decreased and the same can be said for the liver levels (the herbal supplements are working).

On this occasion the doctor has decided to send Andrew for a liver Scan and also a Nuclear Medicine (NM) Bone Scan. Why wasn’t the liver and PSA checked back in October?

Why this article?

GP priorities are very often completely wrong. There is definitely a fixation to prescribe Statins to everyone; this is despite the fact that many studies point out that low cholesterol does not save lives (pointed out also in many previous articles I published and with medical evidence).

As it happens – I have today (03/03/17) received a phone call from my GP. He kindly tried to help me. My problem? Probably “faulty ATP metabolism” – but most doctors don’t have a clue what that is. In the past I’ve had high levels of Creatinine and, for long time, high levels of Uric acid too. Recently I have had low GFR. My GP has tried to get answers from the medical community on-line, and the answers from 50+ physicians remain the same = DRUGS; medications are the only solution. No-one is interested in finding causes or in prevention but they all seek the easy way out – suppress the symptoms. Luckily my latest blood tests are all almost ‘perfect’ and, at least, I am no longer on eight medications per day like I was some 28 months ago.

No wonder why Allen writes: “Blood pressure too high? Lower it. Have diarrhea? Stop it. Runny nose? Dry it up. Headache? Kill the pain. Vomiting? Take an anti-emetic. Skin rash? Suppress it.” [Page 50]

One other point: often, in the news or papers, it is pointed out how much longer we all live and most individuals, really believe in that. Many statistics are there, and they are not wrong. More and more people are reaching 100 years old and even more. It is all working well for our health. Is it? Posterity will judge.

Thankfully, mathematic is not an opinion. If, today, you are 100 years old, it means that you were born in 1917, as it happens, this is before a lot of vaccines and drugs were introduced.

For those that pay attention to acronyms – will realise that a lot of famous and not so famous people have died in the last few years, in their 60s and 70s – Alan Rickman (69), David Bowie (69), Terry Wogan (77), Frank Kelly (77), Paul Daniels (77), Frank Sinatra Jnr (72), Ed Stewart (74), David Gest (62), Victoria Wood (62) and many more. Are the 1940s and 1950s generations really living longer?

There were 529,655 deaths registered in England and Wales in 2015, an increase of 5.6% compared to 2014. [Source: Office for National Statistics].

Andrew received his Statins from the GP but he will not be taking them. Money wasted on the NHS.

Many doctors fail to provide good medical care – in fact, as pointed out by Dr Allen and also by Dr Atul Gawande (just to name a couple), doctors are mostly incompetent, inept and ignorant.

One single drug, take Statins, for example, brings to the Big Pharma $30 BILLION per annum. Big Pharma lobbies are telling Governments what to do and Minsters (J. Hunt) via the NHS are simply following rules and guidelines (incompetence and ignorance as money prevails) imposed on them.

The majority of medical articles against “alternative medicine” clearly point out that it doesn’t work and there are many phony “physicians”. To an extent I agree, unfortunately; there are always bad apples in every trade. But, I have already pointed out from other sources and studies that allopathic medicine, in the name of science and progress, has actually killed millions – but these have gone “unnoticed” as no questions or criticisms can be addressed to the medical establishment.

We all could say that doctors don’t have much of a choice. Many doctors are moving away from such corrupted and inept medical system and some have chosen functional medicine or homeopathy instead (although yet to prove that they mean well). However, it is up to the public to become more aware of less invasive “lethal synthetic substances” and therapies, and to promote better solutions to their GPs. As it happens – it is all about OUR health and making sure we will all get to 100. But perhaps they don’t want us to.

Article by A B M Procaccini © – Counselling Psychologist, Naturopathist

I am kindly inviting everyone that might have had negative experiences with their GP or Psychologist to write to me, via email, via MPSYM website, please.


Dated- 08/04/2017

Letter from hospital dated 02/02/2017, clearly points to a PSA of 13.30ug/L. The patient never took Finasteride, instead he has been taking Saw Palmetto (a natural plant with little or no known side-effects).


Recent PSA tests have shown lower levels –

  • 10.52ug/L – PSA result at the hospital on 20/03/2017
  • 9.2ug/L – PSA result at surgery on 04/04/2017




Of course Saw Palmetto is not the only answer/solution for lowering the size of the prostate and for having obtained the lowest recorded PSA in over five years. Other supplements and a rigid diet have also contributed to such excellent results.
The surgery has failed to provide tests on cholesterol. They provided Liver Function tests and we can note that out of three very high (above range) levels (back in October 2016 and March 2017) – TWO of them have become normal
#  Serum alanine a. – was 64 U/L – it is now 37 U/L
#  Serum albumin – was 49 g/L – it is now 43 g/L
Serum total bilirubin level has gone down to 31 umol/L, previous lowest on 03/03/2017 was 34 umol/L


While all levels have gone down and some are within expected ‘blood range’, low PSA does not mean ‘no prostate cancer’. However, prevention is the best solution to most problems as invasive procedures with unnecessary drugs will cause more harm than benefits. I will soon publish my findings about prostate cancer which will allow the reader to evaluate best solutions.