
I generally tend to make comments when I am upset with a service or a product. I suppose it is easier to make a complaint as anger takes over our emotions. I am making an effort to do the opposite because I am utterly pleased and relieved that Alfredo has been able to resolve my personal issues where others have failed. I’ve engaged into therapy since beginning of 2011 and have changed therapists twice. During this time there have been some improvements but none as successful or efficient as the last five meetings I have had with Alfredo. On our first meeting Alfredo said “You might not ‘click’ very well with one therapist but feel very comfortable with another”. While I felt comfortable with the others I believe that Alfredo approach to therapy is somewhat different. It might be down to experience or to his many different approaches but he proved to me that his handling gave positive results. It is a big thank you from me.

- Elaine M.

From my personal experience I can say that Dr. Procaccini is very professional, he knows his job very well and he is always able to find out the right way to help you using the most suitable approach for any patient. He is very human and supportive.

- Gloria T.

I have known Alfredo for twenty years, but only in recent months I’ve had the courage to ask for his services/assistance. His patience, courtesy, intelligence, and winning manner are only part of what makes Alfredo the sensitive, caring, and professional therapist he is. Alfredo is an excellent listener, a good communicator and has a sharp sense of humour. He feels empathy and compassion for his patients and is distinctive helping, when it comes to individuals and families, is a blessing for coping with modern relationships. Alfredo is an outstanding and exceptional person and I feel privileged to know him.

- Robert W.

Sono quasi 1 anno e mezzo che affronto le problematiche della vita con Alfredo , la sua terapia e il suo modo d interagire con il paziente riesce a fare luce nei punti piu bui del nostro passato e dandomi la giusta lucidita per realizzare desideri e corretti consigli per ben affermarsi nella realta britannica e non solo. Alfredo a differenza dei suoi colleghi lavora ed si proietta in maniera profonda molto anche fuori dall orario della terapia arrichendomi la giornata con email ,spunti e consigli giornalieri , consigliando libri , attivita di relax e posti affascinanti dove ritrovare il piacere semplice della vita , nonche in maniera professionale grazie al suo background di nutrizionista ho scoperto grazie alle sue raccomandazioni dei benefici salutari e di benessere fisico .Semplicemente Grazie

- Alessandro D.

I experienced many different therapies over the last 40 years, but my traumas, wounds and pain were healed by Alfredo. I had low-self esteem, depression, crippling episodes of arthritis, high blood pressure, suicidal thoughts and I usually put myself last when it came to pleasing family and friends. I consider myself very fortunate to have come across Alfredo. Without him I probably not be so sure that I would be here to give my acknowledgment to his services. Having someone like Alfredo to talk to on a regular basis has allowed me to feel that my life mattered. Alfredo has the wonderful ability to talk to me formally and informally and to modify my distorted points and views. He has been able to reflect back to me positive thoughts that I was unable to see about myself at that time. With a series of new perceptions, I gradually began to change; I started feeling better and healthier than I have felt in many years. This is only in just over three months of therapy. I am relaxing on holiday now and will not be seeing Alfredo until mid-February 2015.

- Hayleigh P.

The majority of Alfredo’s reports, written and published by him on his website (MPSYM), are sourced from his personal experiences with clients. His article “GPs are Pimps” talks about me and my real name is Raffaele. Within two months, with his support and guidance, I lost over 10 kilos and from a size 42 trousers, I am now a size 36. But that is only aesthetics. What is important is that all of my concerns and my high levels of PSA (potentially it could have been cancer), Bilirubin and Cholesterol have been greatly reduced without any medications or medical invasive and dangerous procedures. It has been like having my own personal health trainer and I cannot express enough my gratitude and contentment for what Alfredo has done for me in such a short period of time. I will be looking forward to his article on Prostate Cancer, a personal dread that Alfredo has helped me overcome.

La maggior parte degli articoli scritti e pubblicati da Alfredo sul suo sito web (MPSYM) originano dalle sue esperienze personali con i suoi clienti. Il suo articolo “GPs are Pimps” parla di me ed il mio vero nome è Raffaele. Nello spazio di due mesi, seguendo le cure naturali ed i suggerimenti datemi da Alfredo, ho perso più di 10 chili e dalla taglia 42 di pantaloni, ora sono una taglia 36. Ma questa è solo estetica e ciò che è importante è che tutte le mie preoccupazioni ed i valori alti come PSA (possibilita’ di cancro), bilirubina e colesterolo sono stati notevolmente ridotti, senza farmaci o procedure mediche invasive e pericolose. E 'stato come avere il mio personal trainer per la mia salute. Non potro' mai esprimere abbastanza quanta gratitudine e soddisfazione io ho per quello che Alfredo ha fatto per me in un cosi’ breve periodo di tempo e non vedo l’ora di leggere il suo articolo sul Cancro della Prostata, una mia paura che Alfredo e' riuscito ad allontanare.

- Raffaele P.