The Secret Killers

“Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do… “practice”?”  ― George Carlin.

Unknown to many, medicines (medicinal, remedy) – drugs, have killed millions over the centuries. The word “medicine” (cure, remedy) is rooted in the Old French ‘medecine’ (art of healing, cure, treatment, potion).  Another word used for “drugs” (meaning – dry goods) is farmacie (farmaco– pharmakon)  – from the Greek pharmakeia (use of drugs, medicines, potions… and… poisoning)!

The important word is – poison. There is really no two ways about it – all medicines trigger something in our body, in our cells, that suppress the symptoms or the “intruder”. They might kill the “intruder” but they do no favour to our body.

Scientists have been looking for the “solution to eternal youth” for many centuries; our dream to fly like a bird, to live forever or to become like God. It has been a race to win the Nobel Price or to be remembered in history for great discoveries. Have these given us a really better world?

Many blame the Nazis for starting experiments on humans when they did them in concentration camps, but such actions were, in fact, being carried out well before the 1940s.

J Marion Sims (1840s) a physician and pioneer in the field of surgery, known as “the father of modern gynaecology” – often performed invasive and torturous procedures on black women (slaves), without anaesthetic. Anarcha was one of the women Sims experimented upon. A detailed history of this monster can be found in Harriet Washington’s book, Medical Apartheid. In the same century, another physician, William Aiken of Winnsboro conducted similar and vile experiments on slaves.

In 1945 Ebb Cade was a construction worker at Clinton Engineer Works at Oak Ridge. He became an unwilling participant in the first human injection experiments with plutonium. Cade was also known as HP-12 (Human Product-12) and was the first person to be injected with Pu-239. Beginning in 1945 and until 1947 a total of 18 people were part of a series of studies that involved the injection of Plutonium.

In 1932, the US Public Health Service began a study to record the natural history of syphilis in the hope of justifying treatment programs for black people; the study was conducted without the benefit of patients’ informed consent. It was called the “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.” The study initially involved 600 black men – 399 with syphilis and 201 who did not have the disease. Although originally projected to last 6 months, the study actually went on for 40 years. In 1974 A $10 million out-of-court settlement was reached and the U.S. government promised to give lifetime medical benefits and burial services to all living participants.  On May 16th, 1997 – President Clinton apologized on behalf of the Nation.

In the 1950s – black prison inmates in Pennsylvania were used as guinea pigs to test toothpaste, skin cream, hair dye, and soap for several pharmaceutical companies.  They were also used to test radioactive, toxic and mind-altering (Mkultra) drugs (Dr. Albert Kligman and Dr. Eugene Saenger).

In the early 1950′s, the United States government conducted an experiment (Operation Big Buzz) to see if mosquitoes could be ‘weapon-ized’. The CIA and the U.S. military released nearly a half million mosquitoes carrying yellow fever and dengue fever viruses into several Black communities in Florida. A…coincidence (?) – In 1945, against the advice of investigators who had studied the pharmacology of the compound and found it dangerous for all forms of life, DDT (chlorophenoethane, dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane) was released in the United States and other countries for general use by the public as an insecticide. Since the last war there have been a number of curious changes in the incidence of certain ailments and the development of new syndromes never before observed. A most significant feature of this situation is that both man and all domestic animals have simultaneously been affected. Dr. Morton S. Biskind provided confirmation on his observations that the incidence of poliomyelitis has risen sharply.

In 1957 Thalidomide (alpha-phthalimido-glutarimide) was developed by the German firm Chemie Grunenthal as an anticonvulsant drug. Early trials showed it to be unsuitable for this purpose but indicated that it had sedative properties. It caused up to 10,000 miscarriages and infant deaths in UK alone.

In 1997 the “Office of Protection from Research Risks” investigated an experiment that occurred in New York City “Neuro-endocrine Response to Fenfluramine Challenge in Boys”.  The experiment involved thirty-four healthy boys, age six to ten, who were younger brothers of convicted delinquents. They underwent a “challenge” experiment with the drug fenfluramine. The boys fasted for twelve hours prior to the test, and during the test had access to water only. An intravenous catheter remained in place for five and one half hours. During that period, a single oral dose of fenfluramine hydroxide was administered and blood was drawn hourly. The side effects of a single dose of fenfluramine frequently include anxiety, fatigue, headache, light-headedness, difficulty concentrating, visual impairment, diarrhoea, nausea, a feeling of being “high,” and irritability.  Notably, in September 1997, the FDA requested that the manufacturer of fenfluramine withdraw the drug from the market because the drug may cause heart valve damage in as many as thirty percent of the people who take it. This experiment did not provide either therapeutic benefit or a prospect of understanding a medical condition presented by these boys, since the subjects were healthy young children.

In December 2012, at least 500 children in Gouro, Chad were forcibly given the MenAfriVac during school resulting in dangerous side effects including convulsions, and paralysis. Parents were not notified of any plans to vaccination their children at school and parental consent was never requested. The forced vaccinations were part of an aggressive healthcare initiative sponsored by several internationally revered organizations including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization and UNICEF. After this tragic campaign some say that vaccinating may make children even more ill – “If we look at the science of the vaccination process itself, it’s becoming evident that the way they do the immunizations — actually suppresses a lot of the immune system, particularly in young children” (Dr. Blaylock MD, neurosurgeon). [Worth reading about Nestle’]

In 2012 France, Germany and Spain joined Switzerland, Austria and Italy in banning flu vaccines produced by Novartis after small particles of protein aggregates were found in batches of both Agrippal and Fluad. This meant the recall of 160,000 dosages of the influenza flu vaccination in Italy and UK. When researching protein aggregates we soon find that they are not only dangerous misfolded proteins but they are also toxic and linked to amyloidal diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Pion’s. These 160,000 doses of Aggripal were so saturated with protein aggregates that they were visible to the naked eye as floating particulate matter.

Thiomersal is an organo-mercury compound. The pharmaceutical corporation Eli Lilly and Company gave thiomersal the trade name Merthiolate. Mercury is a well-known neurotoxin that has been shown in laboratory studies to permanently damage brain cells upon contact causing the dendrites to recoil from the contaminated areas leading to a gap in the neuro network. The majority of symptoms that are associated with the flu vaccinations are swelling at the injection site and headaches. Could these headaches be the initial effect of the toxic shot on the brain with more pronounced side effects occurring later in life? [The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 68 children (or 14.7 per 1,000 eight-year-olds) in multiple communities in the United States has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This new estimate is roughly 30 percent higher than previous estimates reported in 2012 of 1 in 88 children (11.3 per 1,000 eight year olds) being identified with an autism spectrum disorder]. CDC March 27, 2014.

United Kingdom (18/08/2012) is set to be the first country to offer the seasonal flu vaccination to all children enrolled in the public educational system. The nasal flu vaccine being offered to over 9 million children is sold under the brand name Fluenz in Europe and FluMist in the United States, is made by AstraZeneca’s MedImmune unit and has been available for the past decade in the U.S. The contract with the UK is the largest the company has received outside of the U.S. taking its first steps into the global dissemination of inhalable ‘poisons’. The FluMist vaccine contains a live virus and is squirted up the nose where the virus can live and breed for up to 28 days while it damages the immune system. U.S. health officials have advised doctors not to use AstraZeneca’s FluMist in the upcoming flu season based on three years of U.S. data showing that the nasal spray vaccine is not effective at preventing influenza (Reuters 23/06/2016). UK insists kids’ flu spray works (Boots, WebMd 24/06/2016)

On 19th September 2014, the Chinese authorities have imposed a fine of nearly $500 million on the British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline for bribery and dwarfing the penalties in earlier criminal cases. The Chinese police accused Mr. Reilly, a Briton, of orchestrating a “massive bribery network.” Mr. Reilly and two Chinese-born executives, Zhang Guowei and Zhao Hongyan, have been accused of bribing government officials, hospitals and doctors to sell more drugs and at higher prices too.

GlaxoSmithKline Argentina Laboratories Company was fined 400,000 pesos by Judge Marcelo Aguinsky following a report issued by the National Administration of Medicine – Food and Technology (ANMAT in Spanish) for irregularities during lab vaccine trials conducted between 2007 and 2008 that allegedly killed 14 babies.

In his article about “Age of Autism” (Infanrix deaths), Dr Puliyel analyzed data and found that 97% of deaths (65 deaths) following Infanrix hexa occured in the first 10 days while 3% (2 deaths) occurred in the next 10 days. Had the deaths been coincidental SIDS deaths unrelated to vaccination, the numbers of deaths in the two 10 day periods should have been the same. The manufacturers of this vaccine, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), disclosed in a confidential report to the Regulatory Authority that about 72 babies died within 20 days of receiving Infanrix hexa.

The list of “killer” medicines is massive in all fields and enough to write a whole encyclopaedia about it. To conclude, I list below only a few of the brands that have, eventually, been withdrawn from the market.

Name: Accutane (Isotretinoin) – Use: Acne – on the market for 27 years from 1982 to 2009 – increased risk of birth defects, miscarriages, and premature births when used by pregnant women; inflammatory bowel disease; suicidal tendencies. Over 7,000 lawsuits were filed against the manufacturer over the side effects including a $10.5 million verdict and two $9 million verdicts.

Name: Baycol (Cerivastatin) – Use: Cholesterol reduction – on the market for 3 years from 1998 to 2001 – rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of muscle fibers that results in myoglobin being released into the bloodstream) which led to kidney failure; 52 deaths (31 in the US) worldwide; 385 nonfatal cases with most requiring hospitalization; 12 of the deaths were related to taking this drug in combination with gemfibrozil (Lopid)

Name: Darvon & Darvocet (Propoxyphene) – Use: Opioid pain reliever – on the market for 55 years from 1955 to 2010 – serious toxicity to the heart; between 1981 and 1999 there were over 2,110 deaths reported. The UK banned Darvon and Darvocet in 2005. The FDA was petitioned in 1978 and again in 2006 to ban the drug by the group Public Citizen.

Name: Propulsid (Cisapride) – Use: severe night time heartburn associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – on the market for 7 years from 1993 to 2000 – more than 270 cases of serious cardiac arrythmias (including ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, torsades de pointes, and QT prolongation) reported between July 1993 and May 1999, with 70 related deaths.

Name: Rezulin (Troglitazone) – Use: Antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory – on the market for just over 3 years from 1997 to 2000 – at least 90 liver failures; at least 63 deaths. About 35.000 personal injury claims were filed against the manufacturer (Pfizer).

Name: Vioxx (Rofecoxib) – Use: NSAID (pain relief) – on the market for just over 5 years from 1999 to 2004 – increased risk of heart attack and stroke; linked to about 27,785 heart attacks or sudden cardiac deaths between May 20, 1999 and 2003. Ads for Vioxx features Olympic gold medalists Dorothy Hamill and Bruce Jenner. Vioxx was prescribed to more than 20 million people.

Like I said the list is very long and the above drugs were all FDA-Approved Prescription Drugs that were later pulled from the market. Bit of ‘a shame’ that so many people have died and others are most probably dying now due to other drugs that are still on the market.

As I am writing this article I can see that at least another 10 drugs are being withdrawn from the market. A list would be very long indeed to write.

Article by A.B.M. Procaccini – Naturopathist

A March 2017 article.